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--Load and save the bmp formats used by DEFCON.
local t = {}
local assert = assert
local print = print
local error = error
local table = table
local math = math
local love = assert( love )
local test = {}
function test.load( filename )
local imgd = love.image.newImageData( filename )
print( "LOADING BITMAP: ", filename, imgd:getSize(), imgd:getFormat(), imgd:getDimensions() )
local img = love.graphics.newImage( imgd )
img:setFilter( "nearest", "nearest" )
img:setWrap( "repeat", "clampzero" )
return img, imgd
function test.bitmapToWorld( x, y )
local w, a = 360.0, 600.0 / 800.0
local h = 360.0 * a
x = w * ( x - 800 ) / 800 - w / 2 + 360
y = h * ( y - 600 ) / 600 + 180
return x, y
function test.compareData( a, b )
if a == b then return true end
print( "lengths:", a:len(), b:len() )
local errors = 0
for i = 1, math.min( a:len(), b:len() ) do
local a, b = a:sub( i, i ), b:sub( i, i )
if a ~= b then
errors = errors + 1
print( "mismatch:", errors, i, string.byte( a ), string.byte( b ) )
if errors > 1000 then break end
error( "test failed. output bitmap does not match!" )
function test.worldToBitmap( x, y )
x = 800 * ( x + 180 ) / 360
y = 600 + 800 * ( y - 180 ) / 360
return x, y
local function getHeader( filename )
local offset = 2 + love.data.unpack( "<I4", assert(love.filesystem.read( "data", filename, 14 )), 11 )
local header, size = assert( love.filesystem.read( filename, offset ) )
return header
--BGR24 format. Takes the input of Love2D's data:getPixel( x, y )
--on paper we would only care about one channel because all of these images are grayscale,
--but a few of the pixels in the game's default territories are not exactly gray,
--so we do it like this to make sure our output is byte-faithful when saving an unmodified vanilla map
local function bgrChar( r, g, b )
return string.char( math.floor( b * 255 ), math.floor( g * 255 ), math.floor( r * 255 ) )
local formats = {
["africa"] = {
header = getHeader( "data/earth/africa.bmp" ),
w = 512,
h = 285,
["sailable"] = {
header = getHeader( "data/earth/sailable.bmp" ),
w = 512,
h = 285,
--technically this information is in the header already but I don't want to write code to parse it we only use one palette ever
palette = {
[0] = 0,
[8] = 1,
[20] = 2,
[33] = 3,
[49] = 4,
[90] = 5,
[139] = 6,
[169] = 7,
[189] = 8,
[206] = 9,
[214] = 10,
[222] = 11,
[231] = 12,
[239] = 13,
[247] = 14,
[255] = 15
["travel"] = {
header = getHeader( "data/earth/travel_nodes.bmp" ),
w = 800,
h = 400,
["ai"] = {
header = getHeader( "data/earth/ai_markers.bmp" ),
w = 512,
h = 285,
["blur"] = {
header = getHeader( "data/graphics/blur.bmp" ),
w = 512,
h = 285,
["screenshot"] = {
header = getHeader( "screenshot.bmp" ),
w = 256,
h = 128,
function formats.ai:test( )
print "testing ai nodes"
local filename = "data/earth/ai_markers.bmp"
local img, imgd = test.load( filename )
local idx = 1
local nodes = {}
for x = 0, 511 do
for y = 0, 284 do
local r, g = imgd:getPixel( x, 284 - y )
if r > 0.5 or g > 0.5 then
local long = x * (360 / imgd:getWidth()) - 180
local lat = y * (200 / img:getHeight()) - 100
local attacking = (r > 0.5)
local node = {x = long, y = lat, attacking = attacking, idx = idx}
print( "ai marker", idx, x, y, long, lat )
nodes[ idx ] = node
idx = idx + 1
local encodedString = self:encode( nodes )
love.filesystem.write( "ai_markers.bmp", encodedString )
local eimg, eimgd = test.load( "ai_markers.bmp" ) --the one we just saved
for x = 0, 511 do
for y = 0, 284 do
local r, g = imgd:getPixel( x, 284 - y )
local er, eg = eimgd:getPixel( x, 284 - y )
if math.max( r, g, er, eg ) > 0.5 then
print( "node pixel: ", x, 284 - y, r, g, er, eg )
assert( ( r > 0.5 and er > 0.5 ) or ( g > 0.5 and eg > 0.5 ), "ai marker mismatch!" )
print( "ai markers OK" )
function formats.ai:encode( data )
--set up bitmap as an array of pixels
local w, h = self.w, self.h
local size = 2 + self.w * self.h
local bitmap = { self.header:sub( 1, -3 ) }
for j = 2, size do bitmap[j] = 0 end
for i, point in ipairs( data ) do
local wx, wy = point.x, point.y
--get bitmap coordinates
local x = math.floor(self.w * (wx + 180) / 360)
--idk why exactly I need to round the value here instead of truncating it
local y = math.floor(0.5 + self.h * (wy + 100) / 200)
--get index into byte array
local idx = 2 + y * self.w + x
--in-editor we could have two points in the same place, possibly of the same or different types
--in case we miss something upstream, don't corrupt these duplicate points,
--just saturate the attack/defense value
if bitmap[idx] == 0 then bitmap[idx] = { attack = point.attacking, place = not(point.attacking)}
bitmap[idx].attack = bitmap[idx].attack or point.attacking
bitmap[idx].place = bitmap[idx].place or not(point.attacking)
--now map pixels to 3-byte strings
for j = 2, size do
if bitmap[j] == 0
then bitmap[j] = "\0\0\0"
else bitmap[j] = string.char( 0, bitmap[j].place and 0xff or 0, bitmap[j].attack and 0xff or 0 ) --bgr24
return table.concat( bitmap )
function formats.travel:test()
print "testing travel nodes"
local filename = "data/earth/travel_nodes.bmp"
local img, imgd = test.load( filename )
local nodes = {}
local n = 1
for x = 0, 799 do
for y = 0, 399 do
if imgd:getPixel( x, 399 - y ) > 0 then
local long, lat = test.bitmapToWorld( x, y )
nodes[n] = {x = long, y = lat, idx = n}
print( "read:", n, long, lat, x, y )
n = n + 1
print( "loaded ", n, "nodes" )
local encodedString = self:encode( nodes )
test.compareData( love.filesystem.read( filename ), encodedString )
love.filesystem.write( "travel_nodes.bmp", encodedString )
print( "travel nodes OK" )
--Sparse bitmap with a few white pixels.
function formats.travel:encode( points )
--set up bitmap as an array of 8-bit pixels
local w, h = self.w, self.h
local size = 2 + w * h
local bitmap = { self.header }
for j = 2, size do bitmap[j] = 0 end
--write white pixels
for i, point in ipairs( points ) do
local wx, wy = point.x, point.y
-- get bitmap coordinates:
local x = 800 * ( wx + 180 ) / 360
local y = 600 + 800 * ( wy - 180 ) / 360
local offset = math.floor( y * self.w + x - 2 )
--1 := white
bitmap[offset] = 1
--fold into 4-bit pixel array
local nybbles = { bitmap[1] }
for j = 2, size / 2 do
local a, b = bitmap[ 2 * j - 2 ], bitmap[ 2 * j - 1 ]
nybbles[j] = string.char( 16 * a + b )
return table.concat( nybbles )
function formats.sailable:test()
print "testing sailable"
local filename = "data/earth/sailable.bmp"
local img, imgd = test.load( filename )
local encoded = self:encode( imgd )
love.filesystem.write( "sailable_out.bmp", encoded )
test.compareData( love.filesystem.read( filename ), encoded )
print "sailable OK"
do --sailable
local reversePalette = {}
for eight, four in pairs( formats.sailable.palette ) do
reversePalette[ four ] = eight
--take the red channel in float [0, 1] format
--expand it to a byte, then quantize it to 4 bits
--according to the sailable palette
local function sailableQuantize( r )
if r == 0 then return 0 end
if r >= 1 then return 15 end
r = math.floor( r * 255 )
for four = 1, #reversePalette do
if reversePalette[ four ] > r then return four end
error( "Could not quantize sailable.bmp!" )
function formats.sailable:encode( data )
local w, h = self.w, self.h
local bytes = { self.header:sub( 1, -2 ) }
local i = 2
--y coordinates are written top to bottom
for y = h - 1, 0, -1 do
for x = 0, w - 1 do
bytes[i] = sailableQuantize( data:getPixel(x, y) )
i = i + 1
--fold into 4-bit pixel array
local nybbles = { bytes[1] }
for j = 2, #bytes / 2 do
local a, b = bytes[ 2 * j ], bytes[ 2 * j + 1 ]
nybbles[j] = string.char( 16 * a + b )
return table.concat( nybbles )
function formats.africa:test()
print "testing africa"
local filename = "data/earth/africa.bmp"
local img, imgd = test.load( filename )
local encoded = self:encode( imgd )
love.filesystem.write( "africa_out.bmp", encoded )
test.compareData( love.filesystem.read( filename ), encoded )
print "africa OK"
function formats.africa:encode( data )
local w, h = self.w, self.h
local bytes = { self.header:sub( 1, -3 ) }
local i = 2
--y coordinates are written top to bottom
for y = h - 1, 0, -1 do
for x = 0, w - 1 do
bytes[i] = bgrChar( data:getPixel(x, y) )
i = i + 1
return table.concat( bytes )
function formats.screenshot:encode( data )
return formats.territory.encode( self, data )
--this one was 8-bit grayscale in the original game
--but we're going to increase the bit depth to 24 because
--the game can render colours in blur.bmp just fine
--and we want to render tinted radar ranges into that file
function formats.blur:encode( data )
return formats.territory.encode( self, data )
function t.load( filename )
local imgd = love.image.newImageData( filename )
print( "LOADING BITMAP: ", filename, imgd:getSize(), imgd:getFormat(), imgd:getDimensions() )
local img = love.graphics.newImage( imgd )
img:setFilter( "nearest", "nearest" )
img:setWrap( "repeat", "clampzero" )
return img, imgd
function t.save( data, format )
return assert(formats[format]):encode( data )
formats.territory = formats.africa
for fmt, tbl in pairs( formats ) do
t[fmt] = function( data ) return tbl:encode( data ) end
return t