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local enum = require 'enumeration'
local ffi = require 'ffi'
local function NadFFI( p )
local rmt = {
__lt = function(a, b) return a.n / a.d < b.n / b.d end,
__eq = function(a, b) return a.n == b.n and a.d == b.d end,
__call = function(t) return t.n / t.d end,
__tostring = function(t) return string.format( "<%d/%d>", t.n, t.d ) end
ffi.cdef "typedef struct { uint32_t n, d; } rational;"
ffi.metatype( "rational", rmt )
local list = ffi.new( "rational[?]", 123456 )
local d, i = 1, 1
d = d * p
for n = d - 1, 1, -p do
list[i].n = n
list[i].d = d
i = i + 1
until i > 123456 / p
return list
local function CalkinWilf()
local n, d = 1, 1
return enum( function()
repeat n, d = d, ( 2 * d * math.floor( n / d ) - n + d )
until n < d
return n / d
end )
local function Random()
return enum( math.random )
--Breadth first traversal of the open left subtree of the Stern-Brocot tree.
--Formed by inserting the mediants of previous rationals in the tree.
local function SternBrocot()
--Rational numbers.
local R
local rationals = {}
local rmt = {
__lt = function(a, b) return a[1]/a[2] < b[1]/b[2] end,
__eq = function(a, b) return a[1] == b[1] and a[2] == b[2] end,
__pow = function(a, b) return R( a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2] ) end, --mediant
__call = function(t) return t[1]/t[2] end,
__tostring = function(t) return string.format( "%d / %d", t[1], t[2] ) end }
R = function( n, d )
if not rationals[d] then rationals[d] = {} end
local den = rationals[d]
if den[n] then return den[n] end
local r = setmetatable( { n , d }, rmt )
den[n] = r
return r
--Flat list of all entries traversed so far.
local seq = { R(0, 1), R(1, 2), R(1, 1) }
local idx = 0
local len = 3
local function nextRational()
--Return every other entry: these are the most recently added mediants.
idx = idx + 2
if idx < len then return seq[idx] end
--We have finished iterating over the current level of the tree.
--Create a new level by adding all the new mediants.
local nSeq = {}
for i = 1, len - 1 do
nSeq[ 2 * i - 1 ] = seq[i]
nSeq[ 2 * i ] = seq[i] ^ seq[i + 1]
nSeq[ 2 * len - 1 ] = seq[ len ]
seq = nSeq
len = #seq
--print( "RATIONALS: NEW LEVEL", len, unpack( nSeq ) )
idx = 0
return nextRational()
return enum( nextRational )
--Enumeration of dyadic rationals in the open unit interval, ascending lexicographic.
local function Dyad()
local n, d = -1, 2
return enum( function()
n = n + 2
if n > d then n, d = 1, d * 2 end
return n / d
end )
local function Nad( p )
local n, d = -1, p
return enum( function()
n = n + p
if n > d then n, d = 1, d * p end
return n / d
end )
return {
Dyad = Dyad,
NadFFI = NadFFI,
Nad = Nad,
SternBrocot = SternBrocot,
CalkinWilf = CalkinWilf,
Random = Random,
QuadIrr = false,