Feverish insensate spurt:

- Added basic AST calculator for derivatives.
  - Added direct derivation via Faa Di Bruno formula.
  - Added ansatz method.
  - Factored out polynomial interpolation functionality.
This commit is contained in:
yaw-man 2023-02-08 15:48:43 -04:00
parent 099b8440e2
commit b7a2e67ace
5 changed files with 325 additions and 19 deletions

ansatz.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
--Solve the functional equation f' o f = id by ansatz:
--assume f(x) = ax ^ b. Then
--f' o f (x) = ba^b * x ^ ( b ( b-1 ) )
local phi = 1 + math.sqrt( 5 ) / 2
local ihp = 1 - math.sqrt( 5 ) / 2
local function SeriesCoefficients( )
local a, b = math.pow( phi, ihp ), phi
local c, d = a, b
for i = 1, 100 do
--print( c, d )
c = c * d
d = d - 1

diff.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
--Bespoke symbolic differentiation.
--Little prototypes for building a syntax tree containing only
--multiplication, addition, and composition,
--evaluating its value, and expanding it according to the chain rule.
local op;
local function d( x ) return x:diff() end
local function D( x ) return setmetatable( { ["n"] = x }, op.atom ) end
local computedDerivatives = {}
local __call = D
local __add = function( a, b ) return setmetatable( { a, b }, op.add ) end
local __mul = function( a, b ) return setmetatable( { a, b }, op.mul ) end
local __pow = function( a, b ) return setmetatable( { a, b }, op.compose ) end
op = {
atom = {
__add = __add,
__mul = __mul,
__pow = __pow,
__call = __call,
__tostring = function( self ) return tostring( self.n ) end,
__index = {
eval = function( self )
return computedDerivatives[ self.n ]
diff = function( self )
return D( self.n + 1 )
compose = {
__add = __add,
__mul = __mul,
__pow = __pow,
__call = __call,
__tostring = function( self ) return "("..tostring( self[1] ).." o "..tostring( self[2] )..")" end,
__index = {
eval = function( self )
--All compositions are of the form f^(n) o f,
--whose value at a fixed point p is f^(n)(p)
return self[1]:eval()
diff = function( self )
--All compositions are of the form f^(n) o f,
--whose derivatives are always ( f^(n+1) o f )
return d( self[1] ) ^ D(0) * D(1)
add = {
__add = __add,
__mul = __mul,
__pow = __pow,
__call = __call,
__tostring = function( self ) return tostring( self[1] ).." + "..tostring( self[2] ) end,
__index = {
name = "add",
eval = function( self )
return self[1]:eval() + self[2]:eval()
diff = function( self )
return d(self[1]) + d(self[2])
mul = {
__add = __add,
__mul = __mul,
__pow = __pow,
__call = __call,
__tostring = function( self ) return tostring( self[1] ).." x "..tostring( self[2] ) end,
__index = {
eval = function( self )
return self[1]:eval() * self[2]:eval()
diff = function( self )
return d(self[1]) * self[2] + self[1] * d(self[2])
op.New = function( nodeType, a, b )
return setmetatable( { a, b }, op[nodeType] or error( "Node Type Not Recognized" ) )
local a = D(1) ^ D(0)
for i = 1, 5 do
print( a )
a = a:diff()
return op

fdb.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
--Compute derivatives at the fixed point using Faa Di Bruno's formula.
local ORDER = 21
local binCoefs = {}
local function Choose( n, k )
if k < 1 then return 1 end
if n < 1 then return 0 end
if k > n then return 0 end
local idx = n * ORDER + k
if binCoefs[idx] then return binCoefs[idx] end
local z = Choose( n - 1, k - 1) + Choose( n - 1, k )
binCoefs[ idx ] = z
return z
for i = 13, 1, -1 do
for j = 13, 1, -1 do Choose(i, j) end
Choose = function( n, k )
local c = binCoefs[ n * ORDER + k ] or ( ( k < 1 ) and 1 or 0 )
return c
local function Series( p )
local d = { p, 1.0 / p } -- q[i] := f^(i) (p)
local bellPolynomial = {}
--Generate incomplete Bell polynomials by recursive formula:
--d[n+1] = - \sum_{k=1}^{n-1} d[k+1] * B(n,k) / p^n
--B[n][k] = \sum_{i=1}^{n-k+1} Choose( n-1, i-1 ) * d[i] * B( n-i, k-1 )
local function Bell( n, k )
--Base cases.
if n == 0 then
return ( k == 0 ) and 1 or 0
elseif k == 0 then
return 0
--Cached values.
local idx = n * ORDER + k
if bellPolynomial[idx] then return bellPolynomial[idx] end
local b = 0
for i = 1, n - k + 1 do
local a = Choose( n - 1, i - 1 )
a = a * d[i]
a = a * Bell( n - i, k - 1 )
b = b + a
bellPolynomial[idx] = b
return b
local NextDerivative = function()
local n = #d
local new = 0
for k = 1, n - 1 do
new = new + d[k + 1] * Bell(n, k)
new = -new / math.pow( p, n )
d[n + 1] = new
return new
for i = 1, ORDER - 2 do NextDerivative() end
--Function that evaluates Taylor series.
return {
Interpolant = function( x )
x = x - p
local pow = 1
local fact = 1
local y = p
for i = 1, ORDER do
pow = pow * x
fact = fact * i
y = y + pow * d[i] / fact
return y
Derivative = function( x )
x = x - p
local pow = 1
local fact = 1
local y = 0
for i = 1, ORDER do
pow = pow * x
fact = fact * i
y = y + pow * d[i] / fact
return Series

interpolant.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
--Returns a function which takes a sequence of polynomial coefficients and
--returns two functions which evaluate the polynomial and its derivative, respectively
return function( coefs )
local fixedPoint = coefs[0] or error( "Must have constant coefficient!" )
return function(x)
x = x - fixedPoint
local y = fixedPoint
local pow = 1
local fact = 1
for i = 1, #coefs do
pow = pow * x
fact = fact / i
y = y + pow * fact * coefs[i]
return y
x = x - fixedPoint
local y = 0
local pow = 1
local fact = 1
for i = 1, #coefs do
y = y + pow * fact * coefs[i]
pow = pow * x
fact = fact / i
return y

View File

@ -7,41 +7,78 @@
--get truncated taylor series expansion of f at p
--plot to get some idea about values, convergence.
local RESOLUTION = 1000
local EXTENT = 16
local FaaDiBruno = require( 'fdb' )
local Ansatz = require( 'ansatz' )
local Poly = require( 'interpolant' )
local a = 0.2
local function PlotFunction( f )
local RESOLUTION = 1000
local points = {}
for n = 1, RESOLUTION do
points[ 2 * n - 1 ] = n / RESOLUTION
points[ 2 * n ] = f( n / RESOLUTION )
points[ 2 * n - 1 ] = EXTENT * n / RESOLUTION
points[ 2 * n ] = f( EXTENT * n / RESOLUTION )
--points[ 2 * RESOLUTION + 2 * n ] = points[ 2 * n - 1]
--points[ 2 * RESOLUTION + 2 * n - 1] = points[ 2 * n ]
local x, y = love.graphics.getDimensions()
local tf = love.math.newTransform(
0, love.graphics.getHeight(),
0, love.graphics.getWidth(),
love.graphics.setColor( 1, 1, 1, 0.5 )
love.graphics.setLineWidth( 0.003 )
x / EXTENT, y,-- / EXTENT,
0, x / EXTENT,
-y / EXTENT)
local dtf = love.math.newTransform( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 )
--love.graphics.setColor( 1, 1, 1, 0.5 )
love.graphics.setLineWidth( 0.1 )
love.graphics.setLineJoin( "miter" )
love.graphics.setLineStyle( "smooth" )
local draw = love.draw or function() end
love.draw = function()
love.graphics.replaceTransform( tf )
love.graphics.line( points )
love.graphics.translate( 0, y )
love.graphics.scale( x, -y )
love.graphics.scale( 1 / EXTENT, 1 / EXTENT )
love.update = function( dt )
print( love.mouse.getPosition( ) )
--love.graphics.scale( 1.0 / EXTENT, 1.0 / EXTENT )
love.graphics.line( points )
love.graphics.print( a )
PlotFunction( function( x ) return x * x end )
PlotFunction( function( x ) return x * x * x end )
PlotFunction( math.sin )
PlotFunction( function( x ) return math.exp( x ) - 1 end )
love.update = function( dt )
if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("w") then
a = a + 0.05
love.graphics.setColor( a, 0, 0, a )
love.draw = nil
--PlotFunction( FaaDiBruno( a ) )
--PlotFunction( function(x)return x end)
if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("s") then
a = a - 0.05
love.graphics.setColor( 1, 0, 0, 1 )
love.draw = nil
--[[local f = FaaDiBruno(a)
PlotFunction( f.Interpolant )
PlotFunction( f.Derivative )]]
PlotFunction( function(x)return x end)
local f, df = Poly({[0] = 1.5, 1 + a, 2 })
PlotFunction( f )
PlotFunction( df )
if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("q") then EXTENT = EXTENT + 0.5 end
if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("e") then EXTENT = EXTENT * 0.99 end