--Shitty acceleration structure: get closest point in set. --Assumed to be in world coordinates: ( -180, 180 ) x ( -100, 100 ) local t = {} local hashes = {} local math = math local hash = function( x, y, debug ) local s = "h"..("%2d%2d"):format(math.floor( 0.5 + (180 + x) / 10 ), math.floor( 0.5 + (100 + y) / 10 ) ) if debug then print( "HASH: ", s, x, y) end return s end function t.getClosestPoint( points, x, y ) local closePoints = hashes[hash( x, y )] if not closePoints then return end local distance = math.huge local px, py, point for k, v in pairs(closePoints) do px, py = v.x, v.y local d = (x - px) * (x - px) + (y - py) * (y - py) if d < distance then distance = d point = v end end print( #closePoints, distance ) return point end function t.Edit( points, point, x, y ) local h = hashes[hash( point.x, point.y )] if h then for i, p in pairs(h) do if p == point then table.remove( h, i ) break end end end table.insert( hashes[ hash( x, y ) ], point ) point.x = x point.y = y end function t.Add( points, x, y ) end function t.New( points ) for i = 1, #points do local x, y = points[i].x, points[i].y local h = hash( x, y ) hashes[h] = hashes[h] or {} hashes[h][#hashes[h] + 1] = points[i] end return setmetatable( points, {__index = t } ) end return t