local t = {} local bmp = require 'bmp' function t.load( filename, name ) local territory = { img = bmp.load( filename ) } return setmetatable( territory, {__index = t } ) end --World space coordinate. function t.isValid( x, y ) end function t.getPixel( territory, x, y ) --ZERO INDEXED return territory.img[math.floor( 512 * ( x + 180 ) / 360 ) ][ math.floor( 285 * ( y + 100 ) / 200 ) ] end --[[ 0 20 -- once sailable.bmp is brighter than this, the area is traversable by ships 60 -- once sailable.bmp and territory.bmp are brighter than this, ships can be placed here 130 -- if territory.bmp is brighter than this and sailable is darker than 60, structures are placeable. SO: SAILABLE: 0 (not), 21 (traverse not place), 61 ( traverse and place ) TERRITORY: 131 ( place land if sailable <= 60 ), 61 ( place sea ), 0 ]] function t.draw( nodes ) end function t.drawConnections( nodes ) end function t.save( nodes, filename ) end return t