
193 lines
6.6 KiB
Common Lisp

;nyquist plug-in
;version 4
;type process
;name "Grainimogrifier..."
;action "Milling..."
;author "dm"
;preview disabled
;release 1.3.1
;copyright "Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2"
;control grain-number "Number of Grains" int "" 50 2 1750
;control min-grain-gap "Minimum Grain Separation (ms)" float "" 1 0 50
;control grain-length "Grain Length (ms)" float "" 500 0 1000
;control grain-type "Grain Envelope" choice "Triangle,Sine,Exponential,Rectangular" 0
;control normal-places "Normalize Sample Start Control Envelope" choice "No,Yes" 0
; 'input' raw sample to granulate
; 'gaps-env' t: grain number x: absolute time in seconds until next grain
; 'starts' processed gaps - list of absolute start times of grains
; 'place-env' t: relative time in output x: relative input time where grain starts
; 'places' processed places - list of relative input times where grains start
; where gaps-env or place-env is negative, grains are reversed.
(defun scratch-cleanup ()
(remprop '*SCRATCH* '*DM-GRAN-STARTS*)
(remprop '*SCRATCH* '*DM-GRAN-PLACES*)
(remprop '*SCRATCH* '*DM-GRAN-SIGN*))
(defun get-r-grain-length ()
(/ grain-length (get-duration 1) 1000.0))
(defun array-to-list (arr)
(do (lst
(ind 0 (1+ ind))
(end (- (length arr) 1)))
((> ind end) (reverse lst))
(push (aref arr ind) lst)))
(defun downsample-and-list (sig)
(array-to-list (snd-fetch-array
(force-srate (/ grain-number (get-duration 1)) sig)
grain-number 1)))
(defun gaps-to-starts (lst)
(do ((rslt (list 0)))
((null lst) (cdr (reverse rslt)))
(+ (car rslt)
(max min-grain-gap (abs (pop lst))))
(defun first-invocation ()
;;;resample first track so that we have one sample per grain
;;;cast sound to list, take cumulative sum and store for future invocations
;;;also record when list is negative so we know when to reverse grains
;;mono error
(if (arrayp *TRACK*)
(throw 'err (format nil "First two tracks should be mono.")))
(let ((gaps-list (downsample-and-list *TRACK*)))
(putprop '*SCRATCH*
(gaps-to-starts gaps-list)
(putprop '*SCRATCH*
(mapcar #'minusp gaps-list)
(defun rev-time (len tim)
;;;grain starts at local time tim, local duration is len.
;;;find local start time such that reversing track plays same grain up to reversal.
(- 1.0 tim len))
(defun normalize-places (lst)
;;;ensure elements span from 0 to 1 (or if it's constant, 0)
(if (and lst normal-places)
(let* ((hi (apply #'max lst))
(lo (apply #'min lst))
(spread (- hi lo)))
(if (= spread 0)
(mapc (lambda (y) 0) lst)
(mapc (lambda (y) (/ (- y lo) spread)) lst)))
(defun get-final-duration (starts)
;;;duration of processed track
(+ (/ grain-length 1000.0) (car (last starts))))
(defun process-place-env (starts reverses)
;;;convert times to relative start times, look up values of track
;;;reverse grains whenever first or second track is negative
(do ((dur-out (get-final-duration starts))
rev reverses-out
place places)
((null starts)
(reverse (normalize-places places))
(reverse reverses-out)))
(setf place (sref *TRACK* (/ (pop starts) dur-out)))
(setf rev (or (pop reverses) (minusp place)))
;;Reversing grains is accomplished by graining a reversed copy of the whole track.
;;Thus we need to adjust the start times.
(if rev
(rev-time (get-r-grain-length) (abs place))
place) places)
(push rev reverses-out)))
(defun second-invocation ()
;;;get list of absolute start times of grains from previous invocation
;;;convert to relative start times
;;;look up values of current (i.e. second) track at rel. times, store for later
(if (arrayp *TRACK*)
(throw 'err (format nil "First two tracks should be mono."
(let ((results (process-place-env
(get '*SCRATCH* '*DM-GRAN-SIGN*))))
(putprop '*SCRATCH* (car results) '*DM-GRAN-PLACES*)
(putprop '*SCRATCH* (cdr results) '*DM-GRAN-SIGN*)))
(defun array-reverse (a length)
(do ((left 0 (1+ left))
(right (- length 1) (1- right))
(middle (/ length 2))
((= left middle) a)
(setf temp (aref a left))
(setf (aref a left) (aref a right))
(setf (aref a right) temp)))
(defun snd-reverse (sig)
(let* ((len (snd-length sig NY:ALL))
(arr (snd-samples sig len)))
(snd-t0 sig)
(array-reverse arr len))))
(defun grain-envelope (len)
(case grain-type
(0 (pwl (/ len 2.0) 1 len 0)) ;triangle
(1 (lfo (/ 0.5 (get-duration 1) len) len)) ;sine
(2 (scale (/ (- 1 len)) (diff (pwev 1 len len) len))) ;exp
(3 1))) ;rect
(defun any (lst)
(do ((rslt nil (pop lst)))
((or rslt (null lst)) rslt)))
(defun granulate (sample)
;;;extract grains from sample at relative times specified by places
;;;apply envelope to each grain, cue grains at absolute times specified by starts
(do* ((starts (get '*SCRATCH* '*DM-GRAN-STARTS*))
(places (get '*SCRATCH* '*DM-GRAN-PLACES*))
(revers (get '*SCRATCH* '*DM-GRAN-SIGN*))
;;optimization - only reverse the sample if we need to.
(rev-sample (if (any revers) (snd-reverse sample) nil))
(throw 'err (format nil "AAA"))
(grain (s-rest 1))
(out (s-rest 0)))
((null starts) out)
(setq place (pop places))
(setq r-grain-length (get-r-grain-length))
(setf grain (mult (grain-envelope r-grain-length)
(extract place (+ place r-grain-length)
(if (pop revers) rev-sample sample))))
(setf out (sim (at 0 (cue out))
(at-abs (pop starts) (cue grain))))))
(defun process-sample-track ()
(multichan-expand #'granulate *TRACK*)
(if (= index tracks) (scratch-cleanup))))
(setq index (get '*TRACK* 'INDEX))
(setq tracks (length (get '*SELECTION* 'TRACKS)))
(setq min-grain-gap (/ min-grain-gap 1000.0))
(catch 'err
(if (< tracks 3)
(throw 'err (format nil
"Select three or more audio tracks. The top two should be mono."))
((= index 1) (first-invocation) *TRACK*)
((= index 2) (second-invocation) *TRACK*)
(T (process-sample-track)))))