53 lines
1.6 KiB
Common Lisp
53 lines
1.6 KiB
Common Lisp
;nyquist plug-in
;version 4
;type process
;preview linear
;name "Filter Sweep (Track Input)..."
;action "Filtering..."
;author "dm"
;control type "Filter Type" choice "Low-Pass,High-Pass,Band-Pass" 0
;control intensity "Intensity" int-text "" 1 1 50
;control max-cu-freq "Maximum Cutoff Frequency" float "" 15000 1 22030
;clip to halfwave, scale to max cutoff freq, downsample to control rate, store,
(defun store-as-cutoff (signal)
(setf to-store
(sim (s-rest 0)
(force-srate *control-srate*
(scale max-cu-freq
(s-min (const 1)
(s-max (s-rest 1) signal))))))
(putprop '*SCRATCH* (sim (s-rest 0) to-store) 'DM-FSWEEP-CUTOFF)
(defun clear-storage ()
(defun iter-lp (signal cutoff iter)
(print (snd-length cutoff ny:all))
(dotimes (n iter signal)
(setf signal (lp signal cutoff))))
(defun iter-hp (signal cutoff iter)
(dotimes (n iter signal)
(setf signal (hp signal cutoff))))
(defun apply-filter (cutoff)
(let* ((bandwidth (/ *sound-srate* (float intensity) 5.0)))
(case type
(0 (iter-lp *TRACK* cutoff intensity))
(1 (iter-hp *TRACK* cutoff intensity))
(2 (reson *TRACK* cutoff bandwidth 1)))))
(setq index (get '*TRACK* 'INDEX))
(setq tracks (length (get '*SELECTION* 'TRACKS)))
(if (< tracks 2)
(print "Select 2 tracks")
(if (< index tracks)
(store-as-cutoff *TRACK*)
(let ((cutoff (get '*SCRATCH* 'DM-FSWEEP-CUTOFF)))
(if (= index tracks) (clear-storage))
(multichan-expand #'apply-filter cutoff))))