152 lines
5.7 KiB
152 lines
5.7 KiB
--- awesome stdlib
local awful = require("awful")
local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup").widget
--- theme lib
local beautiful = require("beautiful") --- for awesome.icon
local M = {}
local _M = {}
--- import terminal variable from rc.lua
local terminal = RC.vars.terminal
--- import editor variable from OS environment
local editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") or "nano"
local editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
--- make it harder to quit awesome accidentally
M.quitmenu =
{{ "i mean it!", function() awesome.quit() end }}
--- "awesome" menu
M.awesome = {
{ "hotkeys" , function() hotkeys_popup.show_help(nil,awful.screen.focused())
end },
{ "manual" , terminal
.. " -e man awesome" },
{ "edit config" , editor_cmd
.. " "
.. awesome.conffile },
{ "terminal" , terminal },
{ "restart" , awesome.restart },
{ "quit" , M.quitmenu }
--- browsers and other network-oriented software
M.network = {
{ "firefox" , "firefox" },
{ "discord" , "flatpak run\
com.discordapp.Discord" },
{ "thunderbird" , "thunderbird" },
{ "steam" , "steam" },
{ "qbittorrent" , "qbittorrent" },
{ "keepassxc" , "keepassxc" }
M.develop = {
{ "vs code" , "code" },
{ "bless" , "bless" },
-- { "dbeaver studio" , "flatpak run\
-- io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity" },
-- { "beekeeper studio" , "flatpak run\
-- io.beekeeperstudio.Studio" },
{ "sqlite browser" , "sqlitebrowser" }
--- emulators
M.emulators = {
{ "citra" , "flatpak run\
org.citra_emu.citra" },
{ "dolphin" , "flatpak run\
org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu" },
{ "yuzu" , "flatpak run\
org.yuzu_emu.yuzu" },
{ "duckstation" , "flatpak run\
org.duckstation.DuckStation" },
{ "PPSSPP" , "flatpak run\
org.ppsspp.PPSSPP" }
--- vintage story [different versions of VS for mods]
M.vtgstry = {
{ "latest" , "vintagestory" },
{ "flatpak" , "flatpak run\
at.vintagestory.VintageStory" }
--- videogames
M.games = {
{ "emulators" , M.emulators },
{ "vintage story" , M.vtgstry },
{ "team fortress 2" , "steam\
steam://rungameid/440" },
{ "ballisticNG" , "steam\
steam://rungameid/473770" },
{ "them's fightin' herds" , "steam\
steam://rungameid/574980" },
{ "doom" , "gzdoom" },
{ "osu!" , "flatpak run\
sh.ppy.osu" },
{ "minecraft" , "flatpak run\
org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher" },
{ "solitaire" , "pysol" }
--- utilities [kind of a misc category]
M.utils = {
{ "xed" , "xed" },
{ "catfish" , "catfish" },
{ "anki" , "flatpak run net.ankiweb.Anki" },
{ "mkvtoolnix" , "mkvtoolnix-gui" },
{ "text pieces" , "flatpak run\
com.github.liferooter.textpieces" },
{ "alacarte" , "alacarte" },
{ "flatseal" , "flatpak run com.github.tchx84.Flatseal" },
{ "xarchiver" , "xarchiver" },
{ "piper" , "piper" },
{ "wally" , "wally" }
--- "media" programs [image viewers, video players, etc]
M.media = {
{ "hydrus" , "flatpak run io.github.hydrusnetwork.hydrus" },
{ "vlc" , "vlc" },
{ "youtube" , "/usr/lib64/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.sh\
--app-id=agimnkijcaahngcdmfeangaknmldooml" },
{ "spotify" , "flatpak run com.spotify.Client" },
{ "nomacs" , "nomacs" }
--- "visual arts" stuff
M.vis = {
{ "blender" , "steam\
steam://rungameid/365670" },
{ "krita" , "krita" },
{ "GIMP" , "gimp-2.10" },
{ "beeref" , "flatpak run\
org.beeref.BeeRef" }
function _M.get()
--- main menu
local menu_items = {
{ "awesome" , M.awesome,
beautiful.awesome_subicon },
{ "terminal" , terminal },
{ "thunar" , "Thunar" },
{ "www" , M.network },
{ "media" , M.media },
{ "dev" , M.develop },
{ "art" , M.vis },
{ "games" , M.games },
{ "utils" , M.utils }
return menu_items
return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, ...) return _M.get(...) end })