// --- SQUARE ICONS // -- border radius vars $small: 4px; $medium: $small; $large: 6px; // -- clear mask that makes icons round in various spots foreignObject[mask*="url(#"] { mask: none; //! SIDENOTE: while this removes the rounding, it also removes any cutout for the status icon. i'm going to be frank and say i think this looks like shit. i will look into crafting my own SVG instead at some point if i can, as an alternative to just entirely clearing it (but i'll still be using border rads for custom icon rounding) } // -- now apply border rads // - user list icons (DM list, server member list) .wrapper_edb6e0 svg foreignObject { border-radius: $small; } // - user icons in chat .avatar__08316 { border-radius: $medium; } // - profile modal icons .clickable__35918 svg foreignObject { border-radius: $large; }