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package CharmBoard::Crypt::Password;
use Authen::Passphrase::Argon2;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(passgen passchk);
# subroutine to generate password salt + hashed pw on pass creation
# outputs the salt and then the hashed pw, so when assigning vars
# from this sub's output, do it like this:
# `my ($salt, $hash) = passgen($password);`
sub passgen ($) {
my $argon2 = Authen::Passphrase::Argon2->new(
salt_random => 1,
passphrase => $_[0],
cost => 3,
factor => '32M',
parallelism => 1,
size => 16 );
return ($argon2->salt, $argon2->as_crypt)};
# subroutine to check inputted password against one in DB
# `$_[0]` is the salt, `$_[1]` is the hashed pass, and
# `$_[2]` is the inputted plaintext pepper:password to check
sub passchk ($$$) {
my $argon2 = Authen::Passphrase::Argon2->new(
salt => $_[0],
hash => $_[1],
cost => 3,
factor => '32M',
parallelism => 1,
size => 16 );
return ($argon2->match($_[2]))}