
84 lines
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package CharmBoard::Controller::Register;
use strict;
use warnings;
use experimental qw(try smartmatch);
use utf8;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller', -signatures;
use CharmBoard::Crypt::Password;
# initial registration page
sub register {
my $self = shift;
template => 'register',
error => $self->flash('error'),
message => $self->flash('message'))};
# process submitted registration form
sub register_do {
my $self = shift;
my $username = $self->param('username');
my $email = $self->param('email');
my $password = $self->param('password');
my $confirmPassword = $self->param('confirm-password');
my $catchError;
# declare vars used through multiple try/catch blocks with
# 'our' so they work throughout the entire subroutine
our ($userCheck, $emailCheck, $salt, $hash);
try { # make sure registration info is valid
# TODO: implement email validation here at some point
# check to make sure all required fields are filled
($username, $email, $password, $confirmPassword)
or die "Please fill out all required fields.";
# check to make sure both passwords match
# TODO: add check on frontend for this for people with JS enabled
$password eq $confirmPassword
or die "Passwords do not match";
# check to make sure username and/or email isn't already in use;
# if not, continue with registration
## search for input username and email in database
$userCheck = $self->schema->resultset('Users')->search(
{username => $username})->single;
$emailCheck = $self->schema->resultset('Users')->search(
{email => $email})->single;
($userCheck && $emailCheck) eq undef
or die "Username already in use.\nemail already in use.";
($userCheck) eq undef
or die "Username already in use.";
($emailCheck) eq undef
or die "email already in use."}
catch ($catchError) {
$self->flash(error => $catchError);
try {
$password = $self->pepper . ':' . $password;
# return hashed result + salt
($salt, $hash) = passgen($password) or die;
# add user info and pw/salt to DB
username => $username,
email => $email,
password => $hash,
salt => $salt,
signup_date => time }) or die;
$self->flash(message => 'User registered successfully!');
catch ($catchError) {
print $catchError;
$self->flash(error => 'Your registration info was correct, but a
server error prevented you from registering. This has been
logged so the administrator can fix it.');