
292 lines
13 KiB

$absoluteZero: #0048ba; // Crayola
$acidGreen: #b0bf1a; // Art Paints YG07S
$aero: #7cb9e8; // Maerz and Paul
$africanViolet: #b284be; // Pantone
$airSuperiorityBlue: #72a0c1; // Federal Standard 595
$aliceBlue: #f0f8ff; // X11/Web
$alizarin: #db2d43; // Maerz and Paul
$alloyOrange: #c46210; // Crayola
$almond: #efdecd; // Crayola
$amaranthDeepPurple: #9f2b68; // Maerz and Paul
$amaranthPink: #f19cbb; // Maerz and Paul
$amaranthPurple: #ab274f; // Maerz and Paul
$amazon: #3b7a57; // Xona.com
$amber: #ffbf00; // RGB color model
$amethyst: #9966cc; // X11/Web
$androidGreen: #3ddc84; // Google
$antiqueBrass: #cd9575; // Crayola
$antiqueBronze: #665d1e; // ISCC-NBS
$antiqueFuschia: #915c83; // Plochere
$antiqueRuby: #841b2d; // ISCC-NBS
$antiqueWhite: #faebd7; // X11/Web
$apricot: #fbceb1; // Maerz and Paul
$aqua: #00ffff; // X11/Web
$aquamarine: #7fffd4; // X11/Web
$arcticLime: #d0ff14; // Crayola
$artichokeGreen: #4b6f44; // Pantone
$arylideYellow: #e9d66b; // ColorHexa
$ashGray: #b2beb5; // ISCC-NBS
$atomicTangerine: #ff9966; // Crayola
$aureolin: #fdee00; // X11/Web
$azure: #007fff; // RGB color model
$azure_x11: #f0ffff; // X11/Web
$babyBlue: #89cff0; // Maerz and Paul
$babyBlueEyes: #a1caf1; // Plochere
$babyPink: #f4c2c2; // ISCC-NBS
$babyPowder: #fefefa; // Crayola
$bakerMillerPink: #ff91af; // Byrne
$bananaMania: #fae7b5; // Crayola
$barbiePink: #da1884; // Mattel
$barnRed: #7c0a02; // Milk Paint
$battleshipGrey: #848482; // ISCC-NBS
$beauBlue: #bcd4e6; // Plochere
$beaver: #9f8170; // Crayola
$beige: #f5f5dc; // X11/Web
$bdazzledBlue: #2e5894; //Crayola
$bigDipORuby: #9c2542; // Crayola
$bisque: #ffe4c4; // X11/Web
$bistre: #3d2b1f; // 99colors.net
$bistreBrown: #967117; // ISCC-NBS
$bitterLemon: #cae00d; // Xona.com
$black: #000000; // RGB color model
$blackBean: #3d0c02; // Xona.com
$blackCoral: #54626f; // Crayola
$blackOlive: #3b3c36; // RAL
$blackShadows: #bfafb2; // Crayola
$blanchedAlmond: #ffebcd; // X11/Web
$blastOffBronze: #a57164; // Crayola
$bleuDeFrance: #318ce7; // Pourpre.com
$blizzardBlue: #ace5ee; // Crayola
$bloodRed: #660000; // Thom Poole
$blue: #0000ff; // X11/Web
$blue_crayola: #1f75fe; // Crayola
$blue_munsell: #0093af; // Munsell color wheel
$blue_ncs: #0087bd; // Natural color system
$blue_pantone: #0018a8; // Pantone
$blue_cmyk: #333399; // CMYK color model
$blueBell: #a2a2d0; // Crayola
$blueGray: #6699cc; // Crayola
$blueJeans: #5dadec; // Crayola
$blueSapphire: #126180; // Pantone
$blueViolet: #8a2be2; // X11/Web
$blueYonder: #5072a7; // Pantone
$bluetiful: #3c69e7; // Crayola
$blush: #de5d83; // Crayola
$bole: #79443b; // ISCC-NBS
$bone: #e3dac9; // Kelly-Moore
$brickRed: #cb4154; // Crayola
$brightLilac: #d891ef; // Crayola
$brightYellow: #ffaa1d; // Crayola
$bronze: #cd7f32; // Maerz and Paul
$brownSugar: #af6e4d; // Crayola
$budGreen: #7bb661; // Pantone
$buff: #ffc680; // Maerz and Paul
$burgundy: #800020; // Maerz and Paul
$burlywood: #deb887; // X11/Web
$burnishedBrown: #a17174; // Crayola
$burntOrange: #cc5500; // University of Texas at Austin
$burntSienna: #e97451; // Ferrario 1919
$burntUmber: #8a3324; // Xona.com
$byzantine: #bd33a4; // Maerz and Paul
$byzantium: #702963; // ISCC-NBS
$cadetBlue: #5f9ea0; // X11/Web
$cadetGrey: #91a3b0; // ISCC-NBS
$cadmiumGreen: #006b3c; // ISCC-NBS
$cadmiumOrange: #ed872d; // ISCC-NBS
$cafeAuLait: #a67b5b; // ISCC-NBS
$cafeNoir: #4b3621; // ISCC-NBS
$cambridgeBlue: #a3c1ad; // University of Cambridge
$camel: #c19a6b; // ISCC-NBS
$cameoPink: #efbbcc; // ISCC-NBS
$canary: #ffff99; // Crayola
$canaryYellow: #ffef00; // CMYK color model
$candyPink: #e4717a; // ISCC-NBS
$cardinal: #c41e3a; // Maerz and Paul
$caribbeanGreen: #00cc99; // Crayola
$carmine: #960018; // Pourpre.com
$carmine_mp: #d70040; // Maerz and Paul
$carnationPink: #ffa6c9; // Crayola
$carnelian: #b31b1b; // Cornell University
$carolinaBlue: #56a0d3; // University of North Carolina
$carrotOrange: #ed9121; // Maerz and Paul
$catawba: #703642; // Maerz and Paul
$cedarChest: #c95a49; // Crayola
$celadon: #ace1af; // encycolopedia.com
$celeste: #b2ffff; // Fantetti and Petracchi
$cerise: #de3163; // Maerz and Paul
$cerulean: #007ba7; // Maerz and Paul
$ceruleanBlue: #2a52be; // Maerz and Paul
$ceruleanFrost: #6d9bc3; // Crayola
$cerulean_crayola: #1dacd6; // Crayola
$champagne: #f7efce; // Maerz and Paul
$champagnePink: #f1ddcf; // Pantone
$charcoal: #36454f; // ISCC-NBS
$charmPink: #e68fac; // Plochere
$chartreuse: #80ff00; // RGB color model
$cherryBlossomPink: #ffb7c5; // Maerz and Paul
$chestnut: #954534; // Maerz and Paul
$chiliRed: #e23d28; // Flag of South Africa
$chinaPink: #de6fa1; // Plochere
$chineseRed: #aa381e; // ISCC-NBS
$chineseViolet: #856088; // Pantone
$chineseYellow: #ffb200; // ISCC-NBS
$chocolate: #7b3f00; // Maerz and Paul
$chocolate_web: #d2691e; // X11/Web
$cinereous: #98817b; // Maerz and Paul
$cinnabar: #e34234; // Maerz and Paul
$cinnamonSatin: #cd607e; // Crayola
$citrine: #e4d00a; // Maerz and Paul
$citron: #9fa91f; // Xona.com
$claret: #7f1734; // Xona.com
$coffee: #6f4e37; // ISCC-NBS
$columbiaBlue: #b9d9eb; // Columbia University
$congoPink: #f88379; // ISCC-NBS
$coolGrey: #8c92ac; // ISCC-NBS
$copper: #b87333; // Maerz and Paul
$copper_crayola: #da8a67; // Crayola
$copperPenny: #ad6f69; // Crayola
$copperRed: #cb6d51; // ISCC-NBS
$copperRose: #996666; // 99colors.net
$coquelicot: #ff3800; // ColorHexa
$coral: #ff7f50; // X11/Web
$coralPink: #f88379; // ISCC-NBS, identical to $congoPink;
$cordovan: #893f45; // Pantone
$corn: #fbec5d; // Maerz and Paul
$cornflowerBlue: #6495ed; // X11/Web
$cornsilk: #fff8dc; // X11/Web
$cosmicCobalt: #2e2d88; // Crayola
$cosmicLatte: #fff8e7; // Glazebrook and Baldry
$coyoteBrown: #81613c; // colorcode.is
$cottonCandy: #ffbcd9; // Crayola
$cream: #fffdd0; // Maerz and Paul
$crimson: #dc143c; // X11/Web
$crimson_ua: #9e1b32; // University of Alabama
$culturedPearl: #f5f5f5; // Crayola
$cyan: #00ffff; // X11/Web
$cyan_cmyk: #00b7eb; // CMYK color model
$cyberGrape: #58427c; // Crayola
$cyberYellow: #ffd300; // Pantone
$cyclamen: #f56fa1; // Crayola
$darkBrown: #654321; // X11/Web
$darkByzantium: #5d3954; // ISCC-NBS
$darkCyan: #008b8b; // X11/Web
$darkElectricBlue: #536878; // ISCC-NBS
$darkGoldenrod: #b8860b; // X11/Web
$darkGreen: #006400; // X11/Web
$darkJungleGreen: #1a2421; // ISCC-NBS
$darkKhaki: #bdb76b; // X11/Web
$darkLava: #483c32; // University of California, Davis
$darkLiver: #543d37; // X11/Web
$darkMagenta: #8b008b; // X11/Web
$darkOliveGreen: #556b2f; // X11/Web
$darkOrange: #ff8c00; // X11/Web
$darkOrchid: #9932cc; // X11/Web
$darkPurple: #301934; // ISCC-NBS
$darkRed: #8b0000; // X11/Web
$darkSalmon: #e9967a; // X11/Web
$darkSeaGreen: #8fbc8f; // X11/Web
$darkSienna: #3c1414; // ISCC-NBS
$darkSkyBlue: #8cbed6; // Pantone
$darkSlateBlue: #483d8b; // X11/Web
$darkSlateGray: #2f4f4f; // X11/Web
$darkSpringGreen: #177245; // X11/Web
$darkTurquoise: #00ced1; // X11/Web
$darkViolet: #9400d3; // X11/Web
$davysGrey: #555555; // ISCC-NBS
$deepCerise: #da3287; // Crayola
$deepChampagne: #fad6a5; // ISCC-NBS
$deepChestnut: #b94e48; // Crayola
$deepJungleGreen: #004b49; // ISCC-NBS
$deepPink: #ff1493; // X11/Web
$deepSaffron: #ff9933; // Flag of India
$deepSkyBlue: #00bfff; // X11/Web
$deepSpaceSparkle: #4a646c; // Crayola
$deepTaupe: #7e5e60; // Pantone
$denim: #1560bd; // Crayola
$denimBlue: #2243b6; // Crayola
$desert: #c19a6b; // ISCC-NBS, duplicate of $camel
$desertSand: #edc9af; // Crayola
$dimGray: #696969; // X11/Web
$dodgerBlue: #1e90ff; // X11/Web
$drabDarkBrown: #4a412a; // Pantone
$dukeBlue: #00009c; // Duke University
$dutchWhite: #efdfbb; // Resene
$ebony: #555d50; // Maerz and Paul
$ecru: #c2b280; // ISCC-NBS
$eerieBlack: #1b1b1b; // Crayola
$eggplant: #614051; // Crayola
$eggshell: #f0ead6; // ISCC-NBS
$electricLime: #ccff00; // Crayola
$electricPurple: #bf00ff; // X11/Web
$electricViolet: #8f00ff; // ISCC-NBS
$emerald: #50c878; // Maerz and Paul
$eminence: #6c3082; // Xona.com
$englishLavender: #b48395; // Pantone
$englishRed: #ab4b52; // ISCC-NBS
$englishVermillion: #cc474b; // Crayola
$englishViolet: #563c5c; // ISCC-NBS
$erin: #00ff40; // Maerz and Paul
$etonBlue: #96c8a2; // Eton College
$fallow: #c19a6b; // ISCC-NBS
$faluRed: #801818; // ColorHexa
$fandango: #b53389; // Maerz and Paul
$fandangoPink: #de5285; // Pantone
$fawn: #e5aa70; // X11/Web
$fernGreen: #4f7942; // Maerz and Paul
$fieldDrab: #6c541e; // ISCC-NBS
$fieryRose: #ff5470; // Crayola
$finn: #683068; // hexcolor.co
$firebrick: #b22222; // X11/Web
$fireEngineRed: #ce2029; // findthedata.com
$flame: #e25822; // ISCC-NBS
$flax: #eedc82; // Maerz and Paul
$flirt: #a2006d; // Xona.com
$floralWhite: #fffaf0; // X11/Web
$forestGreen: #228b22; // X11/Web
$frenchBeige: #a67b5b; // ISCC-NBS
$frenchBistre: #856d4d; // Pourpre.com
$frenchBlue: #0072bb; // Maerz and Paul
$frenchFuchsia: #fd3f92; // Pourpre.com
$frenchLilac: #86608e; // ISCC-NBS
$frenchLime: #9efd38; // Pourpre.com
$frenchMauve: #d473d4; // Pourpre.com
$frenchPink: #fd5c9e; // Pourpre.com
$frenchRaspberry: #c72c48; // Pourpre.com
$frenchSkyBlue: #77b5fe; // Pourpre.com
$frenchViolet: #8806ce; // Pourpre.com
$frostbite: #e936a7; // Crayola
$fuchsia: #ff00ff; // X11/Web
$fuschsia_crayola: #c154c1; // Crayola
$fulvous: #e48400; // 99colors.net
$fuzzyWuzzy: #87421f; // Crayola
$gainsboro: #DCDCDC;
$gamboge: #E49B0F;
$genericViridian: #007F66;
$ghostWhite: #F8F8FF;
$glaucous: #6082B6;
$glossyGrape: #AB92B3;
$goGreen: #00AB66;
$gold_metallic: #D4AF37;
$gold_web: #FFD700;
$gold_crayola: #E6BE8A;
$gold_fusion: #85754E;
$goldenBrown: #996515;
$goldenPoppy: #FCC200;
$goldenYellow: #FFDF00;
$goldenrod: #DAA520;
$gothamGreen: #00573F;
$graniteGray: #676767;
$grannySmithApple: #A8E4A0;
$gray_web: #808080;
$gray_x11: #BEBEBE;
$green: #00FF00;
$green_crayola: #1CAC78;
$green_web: #008000;
$green_munsell: #00A877;
$green_ncs: #009F6B;
$green_pantone: #00AD43;
$green_pigment: #00A550;
$greenBlue: #1164B4;
$greenLizard: #A7F432;
$greenSheen: #6EAEA1;
$gunmetal: #2a3439;